Saturday, December 8, 2012

It Has Begun

For many years now I've been venturing further and further into the deep dork forest.

The path began in the mortal realm of daily life and boring work. It meandered through various thick fantasy novels, widened into worldbuilding, and then it diverged with forks leading towards things like historical re-enactment, aeronautical engineering, LARPing, and IT support. Nevertheless I stayed the course and finally emerged into the clearing of RPGs. Oblivion and Skyrim, while awesome, were just not enough to quench my thirst for adventure. Thus it was with both a heavy heart and a gleam in my nearsighted eye(s), I began to throw dice with some D&D buddies.

I'm stoked at finally having an outlet for all of my many imaginings! That long awaited release is DMing. I have worlds upon worlds that I've created over the years, ranging from low fantasy to high, sci-fi, and mythology. And now I get to share them with like-minded friends and colleagues, some of whom I never even knew played D&D.

I'm sure this is me being over zealous and jumping in with both feet before I fully understand what I'm getting myself into, but until the new excitement wears off I will continue to spend my waking hours with my head in the clouds. Some believe such an imagination is what keeps us young, and I can't see how that's a bad thing in the world of cubicles, doomsday prophecies, and frivolous lawsuits.

So onward and upward, deeper into the abyss of tabletop RPGs! Join me?

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